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Earthquake Alarm Working Model Science Project University

Creating an Earthquake Alarm Working Model for a science project involves building a system that detects vibrations similar to those caused by an earthquake and triggers an alarm to alert people. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you make a basic working model of an earthquake alarm.

Materials Needed:

  1. Piezoelectric Sensor (or an accelerometer like ADXL345) – to detect vibrations.
  2. Arduino Board (e.g., Arduino Uno) – for processing the sensor data.
  3. Buzzer – to emit an alarm sound.
  4. LED (optional) – to indicate when the alarm is triggered.
  5. Jumper Wires – for making connections.
  6. Breadboard – for assembling the components.
  7. Resistors – to protect the components.
  8. Power Source (e.g., USB cable or battery pack) – to power the Arduino and the components.
  9. Transistor (optional) – for controlling higher-power components if necessary.


1. Set up the sensor:

  • Piezoelectric Sensor: This sensor generates an electrical signal when it experiences mechanical stress (such as vibrations). Connect the sensor to the analog input pin on the Arduino board.


  • The positive lead of the piezoelectric sensor connects to A0 (analog input pin) on the Arduino.
  • The negative lead of the sensor connects to GND (ground).

Alternatively, if you’re using an accelerometer like the ADXL345:

  • Connect the VCC of the accelerometer to 5V on the Arduino.
  • Connect the GND to ground.
  • Connect the SDA and SCL pins for data communication.

2. Set up the alarm (Buzzer and LED):

  • Connect the positive pin of the buzzer to digital pin 8 on the Arduino and the negative pin to GND.
  • If you’re using an LED, connect the long leg (anode) to digital pin 9, and the short leg (cathode) to GND via a 220Ω resistor.

3. Write the code:

  • The Arduino needs to constantly monitor the sensor for significant changes in vibration and trigger the alarm when detected.

Here’s a basic example of Arduino code for an earthquake alarm:

int piezoPin = A0; // Piezoelectric sensor pin
int buzzerPin = 8;  // Buzzer pin
int ledPin = 9;     // LED pin
int threshold = 100; // Vibration threshold

void setup() {
  pinMode(piezoPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  Serial.begin(9600); // For debugging

void loop() {
  int sensorValue = analogRead(piezoPin); // Read the sensor value
  Serial.println(sensorValue); // Print sensor value for debugging

  if (sensorValue > threshold) { // Check if vibration exceeds threshold
    digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH); // Trigger the buzzer
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);    // Turn on the LED
  } else {
    digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW);  // Turn off the buzzer
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);     // Turn off the LED

  delay(100); // Delay for stability

4. Test and Adjust:

  • Upload the code to your Arduino board.
  • Test the sensor by causing vibrations (tapping on the table, moving the sensor, etc.) and observing if the alarm goes off.
  • Adjust the threshold in the code if necessary. If the alarm is too sensitive or not sensitive enough, tweak the threshold value.

5. Final Assembly:

  • Once the alarm is working, place the sensor and buzzer in a suitable position on the breadboard or within a casing for display.
  • Ensure all connections are stable and insulated to avoid shorts.


This earthquake alarm model mimics the behavior of a real earthquake detection system. The sensor detects vibrations, and the Arduino triggers the alarm, simulating the real-world response to earthquake tremors. You can improve the project by adding features like GSM modules to send alerts to phones, or using more advanced sensors for better accuracy.

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