ESP8266 Wireless Web Server University Project
The ESP8266 Wireless Web Server is a powerful and interactive project that allows you to create a web-based interface for controlling devices or monitoring sensors over Wi-Fi. With the ESP8266 microcontroller, you can host a web server that can be accessed from any device connected to the same network.
Features of the Project
- Wireless Control: Access and control devices remotely via a web interface.
- Real-time Monitoring: Display sensor data such as temperature, humidity, or light intensity on the webpage.
- Low Cost and Compact: The ESP8266 is affordable and compact, making it perfect for IoT projects.
- Customizable Interface: Design your webpage to suit the specific needs of your project.
Materials Needed
- ESP8266 Module (e.g., NodeMCU or ESP-01)
- USB to TTL Converter (for ESP-01, if needed)
- Jumper Wires
- Breadboard
- Power Supply (e.g., USB cable or 3.3V battery for ESP-01)
- Sensors or Actuators (optional, like DHT11, LEDs, or relays)
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Setting up the ESP8266
- For NodeMCU:
- Connect the board to your computer via a USB cable.
- For ESP-01:
- Use a USB to TTL converter to connect it to your computer:
- VCC → 3.3V
- TX → RX of the converter
- RX → TX of the converter
- CH_PD → 3.3V (pull-up)
- Use a USB to TTL converter to connect it to your computer:
2. Install the Arduino IDE and ESP8266 Library
- Download and install the Arduino IDE from the official website.
- Add the ESP8266 board to the Arduino IDE:
- Go to File → Preferences → Additional Board Manager URLs and add this link:
- Open Tools → Board → Boards Manager, search for ESP8266, and install it.
- Go to File → Preferences → Additional Board Manager URLs and add this link:
3. Upload Code to the ESP8266
Here’s an example code for a simple web server:
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
// Wi-Fi credentials
const char* ssid = "Your_SSID";
const char* password = "Your_PASSWORD";
// Set up server on port 80
WiFiServer server(80);
void setup() {
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
// Connect to Wi-Fi
Serial.print("Connecting to Wi-Fi");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("\nConnected to Wi-Fi");
// Start the server
Serial.println("Server started");
Serial.print("Server IP: ");
void loop() {
// Check for client connection
WiFiClient client = server.available();
if (!client) {
// Wait until the client sends data
while (!client.available()) {
// Read the request
String request = client.readStringUntil('\r');
// Send response
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.println("Content-Type: text/html");
client.println("Connection: close");
client.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML>");
client.println("<h1>ESP8266 Web Server</h1>");
client.println("<p>Welcome to your ESP8266 wireless web server!</p>");
Serial.println("Client disconnected");
4. Modify Wi-Fi Credentials
Replace Your_SSID
in the code with the Wi-Fi network credentials you want the ESP8266 to connect to.
5. Upload the Code
- Select the correct board and port in the Arduino IDE:
- Go to Tools → Board → ESP8266 (select your module, e.g., NodeMCU).
- Select the correct COM port under Tools → Port.
- Click the Upload button to flash the code to the ESP8266.
Testing the Web Server
- Open the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE to view the ESP8266’s IP address (e.g.,
). - Open a web browser and enter the IP address. You should see a simple webpage saying:
ESP8266 Web Server Welcome to your ESP8266 wireless web server!
Optional Enhancements
- Control LEDs or Relays: Add buttons to the webpage to toggle GPIO pins on or off.
- Display Sensor Data: Integrate sensors (e.g., DHT11) to display real-time data on the webpage.
- Responsive Design: Use HTML/CSS for a better user interface.
- Home Automation: Control appliances remotely.
- IoT Projects: Monitor and control devices in real-time.
- Educational Demonstrations: Show how embedded systems work with the web.
With the ESP8266 Wireless Web Server, you can create versatile and interactive IoT projects that are both practical and fun!